
Fissured Tongue

Fissured Tongue
Etiology • Unknown • May be hereditary • Occurs with greater prevalence as population ages
Clinical Presentation • Multiple crenations or fissures • May be seen in association with erythema migrans/geographic
tongue • Prominence increases with age • Usually asymptomatic • A component of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome • May be a source of halitosis

Diagnosis • Characteristic appearance • If symptomatic (pain, burning), may be related to the following:
• Secondary candidiasis (antifungal prescription) • Idiopathic factors
Treatment • Usually none • With candidal colonization, topical antifungal preparations are
effective. • Careful débridement with soft-bristled brush, 5 to 15 strokes,
once or twice daily
Prognosis • Excellent