
Inflammatory Diseases

Additional Reading 365
Aitasalo K, Niinikoski J, Grenman R, Virolainen E. A modified protocol for early treatment of osteomyelitis and osteoradionecrosis of the mandible. Head Neck 1998;20:411–7.
Blinder D, Yahatom R, Taicher S. Oral manifestations of sarcoidosis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1997;83:458–61.

Boulinguez S, Reix S, Bedane C, et al. Role of drug exposure in aphthous ulcers: a case-control study. Br J Dermatol 2000;143:1261–5.
Chavez JA, Adkinson CD. Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen in irradiated patients requiring dental extractions: outcomes and complications. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2001;59:518–22.
Danin J, Linder LE, Lundqvist G, Andersson L. Tumor necrosis factoralpha and transforming growth factor-beta 1 in chronic periapical lesions. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2000; 90:514–7.
David LA, Sandor GK, Evans AW, Brown DH. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and mandibular osteoradionecrosis: a retrospective study and analysis of treatment outcomes. J Can Dent Assoc 2001;67:384.
Eyrich GK, Harder C, Sailer HF, et al. Primary chronic osteomyelitis associated with synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis (SAPHO syndrome). J Oral Pathol Med 1999;28:456–64.
Groot RH, van Merkesteyn JP, Bras J. Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis and florid osseous dysplasia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1996;81:333–42.
Kolokotronis A, Antoniades D, Trigonidis G, Papanagiotou P. Granulomatous cheilitis: a study of six cases. Oral Dis 1997;3:188–92.
Lindeboom JA, van den Akker HP. Sinusitis as the first indication of sarcoidosis an incidental finding in a patient with presumed ‘odontogenic’ sinusitis: case report. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2000;38:277–9.
Morton RS, Dongari-Bagtzoglou AI. Cyclooxygenase-2 is upregulated in inflamed gingival tissues. J Periodontol 2001;72:461–9.
Piattelli A, Favia GF, Di Alberti L. Oral ulceration as a presenting sign of unknown sarcoidosis mimicking a tumour: report of 2 cases. Oral Oncol 1998;34:427–30.
Ramachandran Nair PN, Pajarola G, Schroeder HE. Types and incidence of human periapical lesions obtained with extracted teeth. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1996;81:93–102.