

Etiology • A benign neoplasm of adipose cells • Uncommon in the oral cavity
Clinical Presentation • Asymptomatic, slow-growing; usually circumscribed, sessile, or
pedunculated • Soft and compressive with doughy consistency • Most common sites include buccal mucosa, tongue, floor of
mouth • May be deep seated with no color alteration • Yellowish, lobulated quality when superficially located • Surface of larger lesions often is covered by telangiectatic vessels.

Diagnosis • Mature fat cells in lobular pattern • Usually well circumscribed by thin fibrous capsule • Several microscopic variations including infiltrating, pleomor-
phic, angioid, myxoid, and spindle cell types
Differential Diagnosis • Other soft tissue tumor • Minor salivary gland neoplasm • Metastatic disease
Treatment • Excision
Prognosis • Recurrence rare with exception of infiltrating and intramuscu-
lar types