
Plasma Cell Gingivitis

Etiology • Usually represents a hypersensitivity phenomenon to an agent
such as the following: • Cinnamon/cinnamon flavoring • Candy flavors • Toothpaste/mouthwash • Plaque antigens
Clinical Presentation • Reddened, velvety gingival surface • Surface epithelium becomes nonkeratinized. • Limited to attached gingiva
Diagnosis • Response to elimination of possible etiologic agents • Biopsy results show plasma cell infiltration within the
submucosa and lamina propria beneath an acanthotic epithelium.
• Patch testing
Plasma Cell Gingivitis

Differential Diagnosis • Lupus erythematosus • Wegener’s granulomatosis • Chronic candidiasis • Lichen planus • Mucous membrane pemphigoid
Treatment • Elimination of causative factor
Prognosis • Reversal with removal of causative agent