
Tetracycline Staining

Tetracycline Staining
Etiology • Prolonged ingestion of tetracycline or its congeners during
tooth development • Less commonly, tetracycline ingestion causes staining after
tooth formation is complete: reparative (secondary) dentin cementum may be stained.
Clinical Presentation • Yellowish to gray (oxidized tetracycline) color of enamel and
dentin • May be generalized or horizontally banded depending on
duration of tetracycline exposure • Alveolar bone may also be stained bluish red (particularly

with minocyline use, 10% after 1 year and 20% after 4 years of therapy).
Diagnosis • Clinical appearance and history • Fluorescence of teeth may be noted with ultraviolet illumination.
Differential Diagnosis • Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Treatment • Restorative/cosmetic dental techniques
Prognosis • Good