

Etiology • Unknown • Lesion of melanocytic origin within mucosa and skin
Clinical Presentation • Usually elevated, symmetric papule • Pigmentation usually uniformly distributed • Common on skin; unusual intraorally • Palate and gingiva most often involved
Microscopic Findings • Most are intramucosal (“dermal”) • Blue nevi are deeply situated and are composed of spindled
nevus cells. • Other variants are rare; junctional and compound nevi

(no dysplastic nevi occur orally) • Nevus cells are oval/round and are found in unencapsulated
nests (theques). • Melanin production is variable.
Diagnosis • Clinical features • Biopsy
Differential Diagnosis • Melanoma • Varix • Amalgam tattoo/foreign body • Mucosal melanotic macule • Kaposi’s sarcoma • Ecchymosis • Melanoacanthoma
Treatment • Excision of all pigmented oral lesions to rule out malignant
melanoma is advised. • Malignant transformation of oral nevi probably does not occur.
Prognosis • Excellent