
Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Etiology • A very common enterovirus infection (coxsackievirus A10 or
A16), which may occur in mild epidemic proportion, chiefly in children
• Incubation period is short, usually less than 1 week
Clinical Presentation • Oral mucosal lesions with focal herpes simplex–like appearance,
usually involving nonkeratinized tissue (soft palate, floor of mouth, labial-buccal mucosa)
• Accompanying palmar, plantar, and digital lesions are deeply seated, vesicular, and erythematous
• Short course with mild symptoms

Diagnosis • Concomitant oral and cutaneous lesions • Skin lesions commonly involve hands and feet. • Skin lesions may involve buttocks. • Antibody-titer increase measured between acute and recovery
Differential Diagnosis • Herpangina • Herpes simplex infection • Acute lymphonodular pharyngitis
Treatment • Symptomatic treatment only • Patient should be cautioned against the use of aspirin to
manage fever.
Prognosis • Excellent • Lifelong immunity, but it is strain specific