
Amalgam Tattoo

Amalgam Tattoo
Etiology • Implantation or passive/frictional transfer of dental silver
amalgam into mucosa
Clinical Presentation • Gray to black focal macules, usually well defined, but may be
diffuse with no associated signs of inflammation • Typically in attached gingiva, alveolar mucosa, buccal mucosa • Occasionally may be visible radiographically
Diagnosis • Radiographs may be useful (intraoral film placement) • Biopsy may be necessary if clinical diagnosis is in doubt or to
rule out lesions of melanocytic origin
Differential Diagnosis • Vascular malformation • Mucosal nevus • Melanoma • Mucosal melanotic macule • Melanoacanthoma

Treatment • Biopsy or observation only
Prognosis • Little clinical significance if untreated