

Etiology • A reactive and reversible alteration of oral mucosal
melanocytes and keratinocytes • Usually associated with local trauma
Clinical Presentation • Unilateral dark plaque; rarely multiple, bilateral • Most often noted among Blacks and other non-Caucasians • Occurs more often in women than men by a ratio of 3:1 • History of trauma and local irritation • Forms rapidly, most often on buccal/labial mucosa • Asymptomatic melanotic pigmentation

Diagnosis • Clinical history of rapid onset • Histologic evaluation
• Scattered dendritic melanocytes within spongiotic and acanthotic epithelium
• Increased number of melanocytes along basal layer as single units
Differential Diagnosis • Melanoma • Drug-induced pigmentation • Smoker’s melanosis • Mucosal melanotic macule • Mucosal nevus • Amalgam tattoo
Treatment • None after establishing the diagnosis • Often resolves spontaneously
Prognosis • Excellent